Géométria Quebec artisans
Our history
This adventure began in 2015 with a leap into the void to test the truth of listening to your intuition. The acquisition of Géométria and the synchronicities that have followed have confirmed that following your heart takes you into the infinite realms of possibility.
We are the team behind Géométria. Respect, attentiveness and authenticity guide us, in all simplicity, towards an exchange with you, in order to advise you well. Our priorities are based on human values.
We work in resonance with the fundamental elements of harmony, love and joy in an appropriate musical atmosphere to enhance the potential of our products.
Trusting your inner power means recognising your uniqueness.
Welcome to our shop !Claudie & David
Our Work
All the shapes are manufactured with the utmost precision to ensure that the waves they emit are as perfect as possible, and the soldering is lead-free.
The small ones are 8 inches in diameter (20 cm) and are made of steel rods plated with copper or 18-carat gold.
The big ones are 14 inches in diameter (35.5 cm.) and are made from copper pipe which is then painted and coated with varnish.
Each is accompanied by a corresponding stone and a card explaining its properties and instructions for use, and is programmed to radiate the vibration of its key word.

The Combinaisons
Two shapes can be combined. For example, by placing an 8" (20cm.) shape inside an 18" (35.5cm.) shape, you obtain a combination of shapes that produces a mixture of waves of a particular shape corresponding to a specific need..
We can also do it just for the beauty of it all, because what attracts us is never the result of chance.
Each form can be programmed according to its key word. All you have to do is centre yourself and meditate on the meaning of the word, feel it for a few moments and then project this vibration into the shape with your intention.
Here's how to do it: When you feel the meaning of the word, put your hands around the shape to be programmed and affirm your intention (preferably out loud) with a command such as the following: By the Lord God of my Being I programme you HO hexahedron so that you radiate security permanently. Let it be so. Then, when you feel insecure, you can connect to your hexahedron and feel security again
Sacred geometry
Sacred geometry is the science of the forms on which energy, and therefore matter, is built. These forms enable Spirit to manifest itself in the material world, such as the human being. There are an infinite number of forms, but all, without exception, are derived from the seven primordial forms, the 5 Platonic solids, the sphere and the tetrahedral star. All the particles that make up energy and matter adopt one of these forms.
It was Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, who seems to have made the link between the Divine aspect, mathematics and geometric shapes. He discovered or rediscovered the seven primordial forms, and realised that they contained, in geometric language, all the information in the universe.
Plato's solids are the only polyhedra (three-dimensional geometric figures) that have the following characteristics: all their edges are equal, all their faces have the same area, all their angles are equal, and they fit perfectly into a sphere and a cube. These are the tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. They are therefore perfect.
Orgonite is a mixture of metal particles, crystals, quartz and resin. Objects made of orgonite, to which other crystals are added and which have an equal proportion of metal and resin, have very interesting properties, the main one being the generation of orgone.
That's why they're called orgone regenerators. This is a very simple technology, inspired and derived from the work of Mr Reich and improved by Mr Don Croft, which transmutes (purifies) negative orgonite (also known as dead orgone - DOR) into neutral (OR) or positive (POR) orgone.
Orgone is the name given by Wilheim Reich (see text on this scientist) to the vital energy that is omnipresent throughout creation. Orgone is also known as 'Ch'i', 'Prana', 'Ether', 'Vital momentum' or 'fifth element'. This vital energy exists naturally in several forms. It can be neutral (OR), positive (POR) or negative (DOR). A visible manifestation of positive orgone can be seen in the form of a beautiful summer cumulus cloud. Clouds are much more than water vapour, they are in fact a massive concentration of orgone, the water 'vapour' actually being attracted by this high concentration of orgone.
Wilheim Reich did a great deal of research into the properties and behaviour of orgone in the Earth's atmosphere, and its effects on the movement of weather fronts, rainfall, storms, etc. In the 50s, Mr. Reich died in prison, having seen his laboratory and his work destroyed by the "authorities", who wanted to suppress at all costs the new knowledge discovered by Dr. Reich..
Wilhelm Reich 'discovered' what the ancient 'Mystery Schools', 'lodges', 'fraternities' and Eastern philosophies had been teaching for millennia: that our reality is bathed in a sea of vital creative energies from which all that we call matter manifests itself. Reich called this sea of energy 'orgone', but the ancients knew it by the other names presented at the beginning of this article. Modern science, or at least some free-thinking individuals within the scientific academy, has come to theorise about the existence of an energy from which matter is derived, the famous 'zero point' so popular in quantum physics today, from which it is already possible to extract what is known as free energy.
Wilhelm Reich carried out extensive research into the properties and behaviour of orgone in the 1950s. Mr Reich died in prison after seeing his laboratory and his work destroyed by the ¨authorities¨, who feared that the truth would be exposed.
Orgone regenerators work mainly at the level of magnetism, and since we know that our DNA is magnetically coded, it's easy to see their importance as a tool for change. They are magnetic purifiers that transmute low-frequency particles (heavy and polluting) from water, air and vital energy. Helps heal physical and emotional ailments Strengthens the immune system Eliminates parasites. Stimulates the development of psychic abilities Activates the growth of plants and vegetation
Attracts birds Raises the vibratory level of the environment and people Provides very good protection against electromagnetic waves produced by computer screens, TV, microwaves and household appliances.
All our orgone regenerators contain quartz, kyanite, haematite and peridot crystals, as well as one or more stones such as amethyst, aventurine, rose quartz and at least one copper spiral. The whole is cast in a polyester or epoxy resin with bronze particles and copper shavings. The metal-resin ratio is as close as possible to 50/50.
Reich was born in Dobrzcynica (Austria) in 1897. In 1911 his mother committed suicide after he told his father that she was having an affair with his tutor. His father died of tuberculosis 3 years later, and Wilhelm found himself at the head of the wealthy family farm. In 1916 he joined the Austrian army as an officer and fought on the Italian front in the First World War. In 1918, unable to return home because of the new borders imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, he began studying medicine at university, at the Psychoanalytical Society of Vienna. From 1920 he practised psychoanalysis despite his lack of academic training. As soon as he obtained his diploma in 1922, Reich went into private practice as a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, while continuing his studies in neuropsychiatry. He lived in Vienna for 12 years.
Dès le début de sa carrière, son travail porte sur la sexualité et l’orgasme en particulier. Ses recherches l’amènent à la conclusion suivante : au moment de l’orgasme se libère une énergie d’un type très particulier, à laquelle il donne le nom de “orgone”. Mais pour Reich, cette énergie, loin d’être confinée au seul plaisir sexuel, est essentiel à tous les aspects d’une vie saine. Elle seule pourra délivrer l’Homme de l’angoisse et le mener au bonheur. Cependant, pour certaines raisons liées à l’enfance, la fonction naturelle de l’orgasme est réprimée chez de nombreux sujets, provoquant des phénomènes pathologiques à la fois sur le plan physiologique et psychologique.
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